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Should I get preventative anti-wrinkle injections?

Doris Day (New York City Dermatologist), explains that anti-wrinkle botulinum toxin injections (commonly known as Botox) are effective in retraining muscles and improving ‘facial posture’. The mechanism of what is occurring after having botulinum toxin injections is that the toxin prevents signals from nerve cells reaching the muscles. Therefore preventing that muscle movement, essentially paralysing them (Nicholls, H. 2017). As the contraction of muscle movement is not occurring, it prevents fine lines/wrinkles from forming. The idea of having botulinum toxin facial  injections in the aesthetic world is purely for anti-ageing and/or for aesthetic appearance to relax overactive facial muscles. There are three main brands of botulinium toxin used: Azzalure, Bocouture and Botox.

Dermatologist Jaliman, D. (2017) argues that the earlier you start anti-wrinkle injections the better as “Botox” itself is most effective in preventing as opposed to treating due to the mechanism of what the toxin is actually doing. However, Dr. Paul Nassif, a well-known plastic surgeon who has featured on TV Programme ‘Botched’ suggests he only considers anti-wrinkle injections on someone in their twenties should they have aggressive frown lines or have experienced genetic premature ageing. For the most part he suggests taking very good care of you skin and not commencing botulinum toxin injections until in to your 30’s.

There are many alternative topical skin care products that are effective in brightening and managing the signs of ageing skin. Noble Aesthetics stocks moisturising SPF creams containing zinc oxide and titanium dioxide (both pivotal ingredients to adequately protect your skin from UVA & UVB). This is arguable one of the most important things to incorporate daily to manage your skin. We stock a wide range of skin care products and also offer skin treatments such as microneedling and peels which have been proven to be effective in minimising fine lines. This is less invasive than toxin treatment but equally can be performed alongside toxin treatment. It is important to have a consultation with your practitioner so they can discuss ultimately what result you are after and what treatment options are available to manage realistic expectations.

  1. Tanzi,E (2017) gives her opinion on the correct age  to consider “botox” and suggests it can differ depending on race and quite often sun exposure. From her experience as a clinical professor in the department of dermatology she has found often Caucasian women begin anti-wrinkle injections between 35-40 years of age. But for darker skin tones she suggests starting botox from forties onward.

Young adults can be put off from botulinum toxin treatments due to the stigma attached of what they think they will look like post treatment. Often we hear clients say they do not want to appear “frozen” or “shocked” and this can put them off the treatment all together. Again, it is dependent on the botulinum toxin chosen. and the amount of units administered and the correct placement of injections by your injecting practitioner. Previously practitioners used to chase the lines but now after research and study we inject according to the muscle movement. Some clients prefer to have very subtle anti-wrinkle injectables. We can certainly avoid the frozen or shocked appearance likewise if frozen is what you want, that can be achieved too!

Regardless of the suggestions put forward from medical professionals quoted within the text, deciding when you would like to start anti-wrinkle treatment is up to you as an individual and the treating practitioner. As with all injectables there are risks associated with every treatment so it should be a decision that is based on clear clinical indication and informed consent. Many people choose to only start this treatment in their later years as their facial lines progress naturally with ageing, however, more often now we are finding people opting to have preventative “botox” to prevent dynamic lines becoming static. As once fine lines become deeply etched in to the skin, botulinum toxin treatment will not be able to undo this.

For more information on this contact Noble Aesthetics and arrange your consultation. @noble.aesthetics (instagram)/ Noble Aesthetics (Facebook).


Day, D. cited in Miller, K. (2017) ‘Is preventative botox in your 20’s and 30’s worth all the hype’ available at: Zeichner, J. Nassif, P. Tanzi, E. Jaliman, D. cited in Kinonen, S (2017) ‘This is the age you should start Preventative Botox According to Dermatologist’ available at: Nichols, H. (2017) ‘ Everything You Need To Know About Botox’. Available at:

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